Treework (2025)

Treework will be created in 2025.  It is a collaboration between the artists of Landmarks and trees in the Østmarka forest close to Oslo, Norway. It is an attempt at opening ourselves to the embodied knowledge that trees have.

The work is based on the assumption that trees are creative beings, expressing themselves in movement and music. Working with the trees we are finding ways of having human performers, perform the songs and movements of trees. In other words, Treework is choreographed and composed by trees - we are merely building a bridge between different kinds of expression.

The performance will premiere in June 2025 during Festival Oerol (NL) and will be performing on different festivals in Norway, Belgium and The Netherlands afterwards.


Concept & direction: Espen Hjort, Mees Borgman & Østmarka

Performance: Mees Borgman, Felix Schellekens, Ruth Borg & Østmarka.

Composition: Seán ó Dálaigh & Østmarka


Steentje (2025)